TPATT – Safe Spaces
Peer Supporter Programme
In response to the increased mental health challenges – stress, anxiety and depressive thoughts – among young people, The President’s Award – Trinidad and Tobago collaborated with the Global Youth Mobilization (GYM) to deliver the TPATT Safe Spaces Project.
The Global Youth Mobilization is an initiative of the Big Six Youth Organizations and the World Health Organization (WHO), powered by the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund and the United Nations Foundation. It is a movement of young people taking action to improve their lives, and the lives of their communities, now and in a post-COVID-19 world.
Read more about the Global Youth Mobilization here
TPATT Safe Spaces Project aims to re-institute ‘safe spaces’ for young people, re-envisioned for the remote environment. Through this project, TPATT will:
- Train Peer Supporters to serve as a ‘safe space’ to listen, support, educate and empower their peers to cope with mental stressors
- Create a virtual youth-friendly ‘safe space’ will be created, using platforms to allow for virtual and in-person social interaction and communication amongst participants ad Peer Supporter
- Host wellness check-ins with participants via the virtual ‘safe space’
TPATT partnered with Families in Action to facilitate the Training of Peer Supporters.
Peer Supporters Profile
Profiles on the kiddies
Meeting up with Peer Supporters
Do you need a ‘safe space’? Schedule a session with one of our Peer Supporters today.